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Understanding Emotional Intelligence in The Pursuit of Happiness



Amidst the chaos of modern life, it is super important to understand human emotions and intrapersonal dynamics, as they will have a great influence over our relationships, decision making processes, and overall being. Therefore, scrutinizing emotional intelligence is very essential.

Emotional intelligence: As defined by Salovey and Mayer (1990), emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions to discriminate among them and use this information to guide one’s own thinking and actions.

Emotional intelligence can help you make decisions based on logic rather than emotions.

My argument against the aforesaid definition is that calling Emotional intelligence as an ability is somewhat inappropriate because Emotional intelligence is often associated with qualities that are not easily acquired through learning. Calling it a skill is more appropriate.

An individual can learn emotional intelligence by considering the 5 elements of emotional intelligence. The five elements of EI are as follows:

● Self-awareness

● Self- regulation

● Motivation

● Social Awareness

● Social Skills

This report will illuminate the various elements of emotional intelligence, along with narrative analysis, and uncover valuable insights into the complexities of human emotions.

Why did I select this Movie?

Chris Gardener

The reason I selected this movie is because “The Pursuit of Happyness” is a non-fiction narrative filled with real life examples of perseverance and resilience. Unlike Marvel and DC movies filled with drama and sci fi action, which may not help an individual in real world scenarios, It is based on the life of American businessman and motivational speaker Chris Gardener and his actual experiences, which are authentic emotional intelligence in action. We can gain valuable insights by watching and scrutinizing this movie, which we can implement in our own lives.

Plot summary

A struggling salesman who faces homelessness while raising his young son in San Francisco alone as her wife left him because of financial constraints, Despite numerous hardships and setbacks, Chris’s determination and perseverance led him to overcome adversity and achieve success as a stockbroker, ultimately securing a better future for himself and his son.

Themes Explored

Perseverance and Resilience: The movie illustrated the determination of Chris Gardener to overcome numerous obstacles in his struggle for a better life for himself and his son. Despite facing homelessness, financial struggles, and personal setbacks, Chris persists in his endeavors.

Parental love: One of the most highlighted central themes revolves around parental love and showcases the sacrifices made by Chris for the well being of his son. It somewhat demonstrated how far a parent will go to ensure their child’s happiness.

Self-discovery: Chris learns valuable lessons about resilience and ambitions throughout his experiences. Throughout the course of the movie, as a viewer, we can see great character development in him. It showcases a transformative journey from being a salesman to a resilient, self-assured individual because of his ability to overcome adversity.

Social Inequality: Although this has no relation to the subject matter, the movie also illustrated social inequality within society. It raises questions about his inequalities, where individuals with disadvantaged backgrounds have to struggle a lot for opportunities compared to the rich/elite class.

Emotional Intelligence in Action

As a viewer, we can explore and understand through the lens of Chris Garners. We can witness the intricate interplay of emotional intelligence elements.

Self-awareness: Among all his problems. Chris exhibits self-awareness, acknowledging his limitations and aspirations. He recognizes his purpose. The story uncovers the power of self-awareness in decision making through Chris’s story.

Self-Regulation: Despite homeless and financial struggles, Chris maintained and regulated his emotions, along with resilience and perseverance, and channeled adversity into fuel for progress.

Social-Awareness: The movie showcases how Chris transformed his life because of his practical approach to confronting his challenges with courage and tenacity. He considered all the consequences, took all the important decisions, and learned lessons from his past mistakes as well. This element was unveiled in the interview scene.

Similarly, in the confines of his office, viewers witness Gardner's astute decision-making and proactive mindset in action.

Social Skills: This was the least highlighted element. The movie showcases how Chris manages to build strong business networks because of his compassionate engagement with his acquaintances.

Motivation: Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were showcased in the movie. Chris’s intrinsic motivation was to overcome all his hardships and achieve his dream of becoming a stockbroker in order to provide a better life for himself and his son. On the other hand, his extrinsic motivation was financial stability and professional success.


In conclusion, it can be inferred that an individual can achieve his dreams in spite of daunting challenges. Based on my analysis, I personally think this movie showcased emotional intelligence wonderfully. It reveals all its elements to a certain degree, which is justified. This movie laid out how emotional intelligence can help in the holistic transformation of an individual. On a personal note, i strongly believe this movie can offer valuable lessons and inspiration to my acquaintances as well,


  1. Great article
    I watched the movie afterwards it was amazing


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